Tellabration (tm) is an international day of storytelling put on by the National Storytelling Network. Across the country and across the world, storytelling events large and small are put on, but to our knowledge No Extra Words' storytelling event is the only all-digital Tellabration (tm) event. We have invited podcasters large and small to tell their stories in their own special way to celebrate the audio storytelling done on podcasts every day.
Podcasters telling their stories on this episode are:
Links will take you to the podcast website or search for your favorite in your favorite podcast app.
Help and inspiration for my commentary came from Anne Lamott's fabulous book Stitches: a handbook on meaning, hope, and repair.
Our thanks for help on this episode to our fabulous podcast hosting service Libsyn and to the community at She Podcasts.
The campfire sounds on this episode come to us from the Free Sound Project, user matucha, with our thanks.
As always, theme music for this episode is “Aria Variata” by Bach, played by Brandon Kinsella. It is in the public domain and comes to us courtesy of the Free Music Archive.
Every attempt was made to locate the copyright owners of the camp songs used, but no author was located.