For those who love books, they become almost human beings standing there in their “Dust Jackets.” By Samantha Dutton, copyright 2015, used with permission. Read Samantha’s bio.
Some things just cannot be escaped, especially “The Curse of the Virgin.” By Richard Sensenbrenner, copyright 1992, used with permission. Read Richard’s bio.
In the first ever installment of our Poet’s Corner segment, Kelli Russell Agodon invites me into her office where she shares poetry and we discuss poetry, small presses, and the importance of finding your voice. Visit Kelli’s website or the website for Two Sylvias Press. For photos of the field trip and Kelli's writing space, check out the show notes.
All editors are the same, such sticklers about reading the “Guidelines.” by T.E. Cowell, copyright 2016, used with permission. Read T.E.’s bio.