Reinvention is an artistic endeavor in "Robots With a Vengeance." By Bill McStowe, copyright 2016, used with permission. Visit Bill's website.
"Reinvention" is a family endeavor. By Tina Tocco, copyright 2013, used with permission. "Reinvention" was previously published in Fiction Fix (Winter 2014.) Read Tina's bio or check out her previous contributions to the show in Episodes 19 and 23.
Everyone reinvents themselves at "Camp Athabasca," whether they want to or not. By Trystan Carter, copyright 2016, used with permission. Visit Trystan's website.
This traveler will never be the same after "June 9, 2015." By Donte'vian Harris, copyright 2016, used with permission. Read Donte'vian's bio.
Check out all our previous four story, four contributor episodes: Episode 54, Episode 51, Episode 50, Episode 47, Episode 30, Episode 28, Episode 23, and Episode 19.