Today's episode is super-sized because it contains some special bonus holiday content at the end.
"Memorial Day" looks closely at an important holiday. By C.M. Gabbett, copyright 2015, used with permission. Read his bio.
In "The Quiet Raspberry Wormhole," if you look at just the right angle you can see back a ways to what was. By Jefferey H. Toney, copyright 2015, used with permission. Read Jeffery's bio.
"Yasmina" is the story of a women who has experience great loss adjusting her vision of the future. By Evan Guilford-Blake, copyright 2013, used with permission. Read Evan's bio.
Bonus Memorial Day content: stick around to the end of this one to hear the true story of one American hero.
Sounds from this episode are courtesy of the Free Sound Project. Thank you to freesoundjon01 for the church bells and 18hiltc for "Taps."
50th episode and our one year anniversary coming next week! See you then!