In "A Parable on the Challenge of Being an Unpublished Writer," novelist Reed is considering taking a break from the financial and emotional strain of writing a novel, until he meets an unexpected visitor. By Tom Farr, copyright 2015, used with permission.
In "Secret is Safe," mom LeeAnn usies all kinds of words around her infant son and one day realizes how well he has been listening. By Kris Baker Dersch, copyright 2015, all rights reserved.
About the contributor: Tom Farr is a blogger, freelance writer, and storyteller who spends his days teaching English Language Arts to high school students. He loves creating and spending time with his wife and three children. Follow him on Twitter, on Medium, or visit his blog The Whisper Project for writing tips and updates on his latest projects.
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Theme music is Requiem: Small Theme by _ghost, used under a Creative Commons license.
In "Parent-Teacher Conference Day," a stressed-out mom of two has to fit a conference with a teacher about how to help her seven-year-old learn to read into an already busy day and already busy life. She fights her mom guilt and wonders if all of it is her fault.
In "The Old Family Problem," a man remembers his father who couldn't read and endures his own struggles with reading before his son is finally diagnosed with dyslexia and he can begin to understand what his family has struggled with for generations.
In "Obituary for Poetry on a Manual Typewriter," the writer realizes that without attention paid to it, poetry has somehow disappeared. By Kris Baker Dersch, copyright 2015, all rights reserved.
In "A Well-Ordered Laundry Room," a new mama who is also a writer craves the organization her spacious laundry room gives her as she navigates finding time to write and realizing how fast her infant is growing. By Kris Baker Dersch, copyright 2015, all rights reserved.
In “Old Photographs,” the narrator wonders why she carries a Depression-era snapshot of an unknown house her grandmother took around with her.
In “Homework,” a busy mom reflects on the struggles of homework, including the parents who do homework for their kids and the time homework takes out of her busy family's life.