New content! Two people who start off one Christmas "Perfect Strangers." By Connie Armstrong, copyright 2016, used with permission. Read Connie's bio.
We are pleased to bring you Part 1 of the four-part Christmas serialized story. Serialized fiction has a long, proud history, carried on this day by a number of sources including our friends at A Christmas Serial is by Kris Baker Dersch, copyright 2015.
It's not unusual for family members to make things "Shiny." By Tina Tocco, copyright 2013, used with permission. Read Tina's bio.
We all take "Measurements" of the relationships in our life. By Ingrid Jendrezejewski, copyright 2016, used with permission. Visit Ingrid's website.
Is "The Singer" what she seems? By DeanJean Phng, copyright 2016, used with permission. Visit DeanJean's website.
Tellabration (tm) is an international day of storytelling put on by the National Storytelling Network. Across the country and across the world, storytelling events large and small are put on, but to our knowledge No Extra Words' storytelling event is the only all-digital Tellabration (tm) event. We have invited podcasters large and small to tell their stories in their own special way to celebrate the audio storytelling done on podcasts every day.
Podcasters telling their stories on this episode are:
Links will take you to the podcast website or search for your favorite in your favorite podcast app.
Help and inspiration for my commentary came from Anne Lamott's fabulous book Stitches: a handbook on meaning, hope, and repair.
Our thanks for help on this episode to our fabulous podcast hosting service Libsyn and to the community at She Podcasts.
The campfire sounds on this episode come to us from the Free Sound Project, user matucha, with our thanks.
As always, theme music for this episode is “Aria Variata” by Bach, played by Brandon Kinsella. It is in the public domain and comes to us courtesy of the Free Music Archive.
Every attempt was made to locate the copyright owners of the camp songs used, but no author was located.
Some things are bigger than all of us. Some forces make their own rules.
A rough night may lead to some marks on "Stone Colored Pants." By Paul Rousseau, copyright 2016, used with permission. Read Paul's bio.
Sometimes a "Storm" ruins everything. By Sarah Mitchell-Jackson, copyright 2011, used with permission. Visit Sarah's website.
"April, Quakes in Kathmandu" is fiction based on a true story. By Anuja Ghimire, copyright 2016, used with permission. Visit Anuja's website.
Welcome to your non-Election Day Election Day Episode.
"A Wedding Jig" is a fractured fairy tale of the most fractured sort. By Sarah Haasl, copyright 2016, used with permission. Read Sarah's bio.
Chance plays a big part in how we live. Our lives really are the result of "A Lottery of Birth." By Donovan James, copyright 2010, used with permission. Read Donovan's bio.
It's quite a trip when you go into "The Mind." By Levi Andrew Noe, copyright 2016, used with permission. Visit Levi's website.
I was sorry I couldn't get permission to use an election year poem by Janet Wong, but do check out her book and her poems.
Reinvention is an artistic endeavor in "Robots With a Vengeance." By Bill McStowe, copyright 2016, used with permission. Visit Bill's website.
"Reinvention" is a family endeavor. By Tina Tocco, copyright 2013, used with permission. "Reinvention" was previously published in Fiction Fix (Winter 2014.) Read Tina's bio or check out her previous contributions to the show in Episodes 19 and 23.
Everyone reinvents themselves at "Camp Athabasca," whether they want to or not. By Trystan Carter, copyright 2016, used with permission. Visit Trystan's website.
This traveler will never be the same after "June 9, 2015." By Donte'vian Harris, copyright 2016, used with permission. Read Donte'vian's bio.
Check out all our previous four story, four contributor episodes: Episode 54, Episode 51, Episode 50, Episode 47, Episode 30, Episode 28, Episode 23, and Episode 19.